Sunday, June 21, 2009

There was plenty to see at our Papamoa Market

We had lots of wonderful stalls at our Papamoa Market - our biggest selection ever.

*Bum Rarpz cloth nappies
*EarthKind Kids preloved clothing & toys
*BFHC homebased childcare
*Ray and his wooden toys
*Baby Harmony cloth nappies
*Dianne's preloved clothes & toys
*Amber teething necklaces
*Barbara's floormats and sleep sacks
*Sita's handmade slings and little shoes
*Lynley's hand spun and knitted jumpers
*Bev's knitted clothes
*Honey Child cloth nappies
*Miessence skincare
*Baby Banz sunglasses
*Little Kiwis
*Crafty Pukeko
HUGE thanks to our stallholders and to everyone who came. I know everyone is feeling the recession at the moment, so it's great to have such good support.

If you're interested in any of the stallholders above or would like to join our mailing list, please send us an email.
Want to join the market? Have preloved clothing/toys etc, or make baby/kids products? We'd love to hear from you.

Next market - 18th July at Greerton Hall

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

eco Baby & Kids Market - 20th June, Papamoa

Our next market will be on the 20th June at the Papamoa Community Centre (library building). It's a great venue - you can visit the library, go shopping and come to the market - perfect!

They'll be a great selection of stalls
* preloved clothing & toys
* amber teething necklaces
* Tupperware
* handmade wooden toys
* Cloth nappies
* books
* Happiest Baby on the Block educator
and many more still to confirm